7 Quotes & Sayings By Jl Vallance

J.L. Vallance is the author of the acclaimed "Vampire Academy" series. She has also written many other books including the bestselling "Fever" series and "The Immortals" series. Born in England, she came to Canada with her family at a young age and later attended York University in Toronto, where she received a bachelor's degree in English literature Read more

She began her professional writing career with a short story for "Bloodlines," a Canadian supernatural fiction magazine, and later went on to write for various publications, including the "Toronto Star," the "Canadian Journal of Film Studies," "Chatelaine Magazine," and others. She currently resides in Toronto, Ontario with her husband and children.

Even the darkest of hearts needs a little comfort from time to time. J.L. Vallance
I'm about to cross a line with you...a line there will be no hope of me ever returning from. And I'm terrified because the thought of you excites me. J.L. Vallance
Love is...freeing. Love is all encompassing; it has the power to save us from unimaginable forces of darkness. All we have to do is accept it, give it, live it. J.L. Vallance
Love isn’t for the weak, it’s for those brave enough to risk it all. J.L. Vallance
And fairy tales are make-believe. They are the stories we tell to small children to make them believe the world is a far better place than it really is. J.L. Vallance
Yeah, sorry for not being all Betty Bad Ass; fighting isn't exactly a requirement for jazz singers. J.L. Vallance