28 Quotes & Sayings By Jl Mccoy

J.L. McCoy is an award-winning author and speaker who has traveled across the country and around the world giving seminars on personal development and professional success. His book, "The Passion Plan," is a Bible for all people who want to improve their life. He has been featured on NBC's Today Show, CNN, and CNBC, and his work has been featured in several national publications like The Huffington Post and Newsweek.

I’m not staying Archer, I can’t trust you not to hurt me again if it serves whatever purposes you decide to come up with that day. I want nothing more to do with you…with any of you. I’m done with vampires. You all have done nothing but bring me pain since I met you. J.L. McCoy
I stood up in a flash and flushed a light shade of furious. J.L. McCoy
I don't know if i can, " I said, looking up into Archer's eyes. "Honestly, Archer....I'm tired of being scared, tired of loving you on one hand and hating you on the other. J.L. McCoy
This isn’t the girl I fell in love with. My sweet, giving, patient, loving, caring, fun-loving Skye disappeared when you were kidnapped. I’m so scared I’ll never get her back. J.L. McCoy
You guys just aren’t fair, between your vampire pheromones and your gorgeous good looks, we humans just don’t stand a chance. J.L. McCoy
I've had a few intense arguments with my boss who happens to be the object of my sexual fantasies. J.L. McCoy
I’m coming, you impatient old coot! Keep your panties on! ”- Skye yelling back to Hagan. J.L. McCoy
With bells on babe" Dean purred sexily and hung up. J.L. McCoy
Dear God, that man has a magnificent body.' ............. 'It’s like having a cupcake thrust in front of your face and not being allowed to have a lick of the icing. J.L. McCoy
You know...acting like a dick...won't make yours any bigger. J.L. McCoy
Kiss me one last time Skye... before I die. I want to enter heaven with the taste of you on my lips. J.L. McCoy
I'll just stay ten feet away from him at all times so I don't accidentally trip and fall and land lips first on his mouth. J.L. McCoy
He kicked my ass, but he also treated me like a person and not just some girl. J.L. McCoy
What you feel for me, is it caused by your vampirism, or do you yourself feel that way? Because, I mean, I guess I AM, technically, like a walking hamburger. Who wouldn't want a free meal?" I asked tentatively. J.L. McCoy
Is this bitch crazy? I don't want to 'accidentally' drown J.L. McCoy
I took a deep breath and sighed in awe. My proverbial penis had just gotten a serious chubby. J.L. McCoy
At least I could tell she wouldn't try to kill me in my sleep now. J.L. McCoy
I watched him suck on the bag and I shivered involuntarily at the sudden memory of Jameson’s fangs sliding into my neck. I vividly remembered the instant feeling of ecstasy that overtook my body last night when he fed from me and the intense orgasms that followed. J.L. McCoy
So you believe in blood sucking fangers, but you don't believe in the existence of werewolves. What kind of narrow minded crap is that? J.L. McCoy
What did you think was going to ensue when you chose Hagan's big ass to train me? That guy is wicked fierce and a total badass. J.L. McCoy
He looked at me with such raw need that my heart skipped a beat. He licked his lips and slowly lowered his head to mine. Does it even matter if he only wants me for my blood? J.L. McCoy
Oh, shut up Hagan. I'm not doing it for you; I'm doing it for me. I don't want your blood getting all over my outfit. J.L. McCoy
Sorry. Didn't mean to step on any dead toes. J.L. McCoy
I took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. He won't hurt me, I silently reminded myself. 'Never, ' Archer said, shaking his head. 'I'll never hurt you again, Skye. J.L. McCoy
I was absolutely speechless. The most beautiful man I had ever seen… I N MY ENTIRE LIFE, just said I was beautiful. I blushed when the reality hit me, and boy, did it hit me hard. J.L. McCoy
Um, she'll take your number if you're single J.L. McCoy
All tha’ effin’ an’ blindin’ she was doin’... I ain’t never seen tha’ likes. Ya’ made a right hames wit dis’ wan, Athair. If she ‘ad been one of us, I’da put fifty quid on ‘er. She was after ya’ bollox, she was! J.L. McCoy