4 Quotes & Sayings By Jill Santopolo

Jill Santopolo is an award-winning author of bestselling romantic thrillers. Her novels have been published in over twenty countries, receiving critical acclaim and high praise. A native New Yorker, Jill is now based in the United Kingdom with her husband, three children and two dogs. She has worked as a journalist with the Evening Standard, Sunday Times Magazine (London) and The Sunday Telegraph (UK).

Even without a kiss, this moment is perfect, and you wouldn't trade it for anything. Jill Santopolo
Love does that. It makes you feel infinite and invincible, like the whole world is open to you, anything is achievable, and each day will be filled with wonder. Maybe it’s the act of opening yourself up, letting someone else in– or maybe it’s the act of caring so deeply about another person that it expands your heart. I’ve heard so many people say some version of I never knew how much I could love another human being until . . And after the until is usually something like my niece was born or I gave birth to a child or I adopted a baby. I never knew how much I could love another human being until I met you, Gabe.I’ll never forget that. . Jill Santopolo
Maybe before you start flirting with boys and kissing boys and trying to date boys, you should know who you are and where you stand. Jill Santopolo