4 Quotes & Sayings By Jeremy Stoppelman

 Jeremy Stoppelman is the CEO of Yelp, the world's most popular local business site. He joined Yelp in 2004 and has been instrumental in turning the company into an award-winning internet company. Jeremy is a graduate of Duke University and was named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list for Business and Technology.

About every year or two, there is a moment of truth where there's some new development in the marketplace, some new technology, some sort of existential crisis. You just have to be vigilant about looking out for those moments. Jeremy Stoppelman
There's simply anger over the accountability that Yelp brings and also this feeling of powerlessness because so much power is now being put in the hands of the consumer. But the important thing that gets lost with some of these business owners who are very upset with us is it's the whole picture that counts. Jeremy Stoppelman
I think my dad did legal work for someone who had a Packard Bell 8088, and they couldn't pay him, so they gave him a computer. I was initially not allowed to touch it, but that didn't last long. I started tinkering with it, and there were many times I screwed up the computer. Jeremy Stoppelman