4 Quotes & Sayings By Jennifer Close

Jennifer Close is a former professional actress and theater-maker. She holds an MFA in creative writing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has been published in various literary journals. Her debut novel, The Watering Hole, is available from Bloomsbury USA.

When a friendship ends, people don't always give it the same amount of thought that they do relationships ... most of the time, friendships end in a different way - slowly, and without declarations. Usually people don't really notice until a friend has been gone for a while and then they just say they grew apart, or their lives became too different. Jennifer Close
I think I miss Ben, ” she told Lauren one night. “No, you don’t, ” Lauren said. “But sometimes, I really think I do.” Lauren sighed. “Isabella, you miss the essence of a boy. That’s all. Jennifer Close
This is the first fall that I haven't gone to school. Maybe that's why I feel weird all the time. Jennifer Close