6 Quotes & Sayings By Jd Netto

J.D. Netto is a Writer, Translator, and Editor of Japanese Books. He was born in Tokyo on August 24, 1962. He has worked as an Assistant Editor of Japanese-English Translation for three Japanese publishers including Shinchosha, Kadokawa Shoten and Hayakawa Publishing Company Read more

He has also worked as a Freelance Translator in Japan for a number of American publishers including Random House Inc., Dutton Adult, and New Millennium Press. He has taught Translation at Kawasaki Daigaku in Tokyo since 1998. He has been a member of the Translator's Guild of New York since 2000 and has been a Certified Translator in Japan since 2001.

It is only by choice that our true nature is revealed. J.D. Netto
...if a man’s thirst is quenched by power, then all other desires are of no worth to him. J.D. Netto
Pain comes with the decision of choosing what I have to offer now, but this same pain is needed to shape you for the greater destiny ahead. J.D. Netto
But always remember, I am watching your every move and will be with all of you until the end of all things. Do not let your heart be troubled with the turmoil of the future. Be sure of one thing: the future is already written in the hidden stones of the hearts of those who said ‘yes. J.D. Netto
Our trust goes beyond the darkness. J.D. Netto