4 Quotes & Sayings By Jason Dias

Jason Dias is a writer, director, and actor in New York City. He is the founder of Imaginative Characters, LLC, a production company that creates stories for radio commercials. Jason has written the screenplays My Brothers Wedding (2014) and The Last Black Man in San Francisco (2015). His short film, The Last Black Man in San Francisco was selected to play at several film festivals including the Cannes Film Festival Read more

He is currently developing his next screenplay.

The existential hero strives for authenticity even when it is costly, lives meaningfully in the midst of a banal, absurd world, and confronts rather than rejecting reality regardless of the personal cost. Jason Dias
We're really endless in a way. If time goes on forever, then any way you divide it is also forever. A tenth of infinity is infinity. It's only us that think the time is gone. It isn't. We're still there. Still at our wedding. Still on honeymoon. All the good times are still happening. Even in the middle of the bad times to come, we'll still be together. Forever, in a way. Jason Dias
No drugs here, no manipulation of neurotransmitters that leaves our worldly problems unattended. And no talking cures because explicit insight is not needed. All that is required is courage: the courage to encounter discomfort and stay with it long enough to be changed by it, strengthened. Jason Dias