12 Quotes & Sayings By Jason Day

Jason Day is a professional golfer. He was born and raised in Los Angeles, California and attended the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His parents and grandparents now live in the same apartment building as Jason's family; they both played golf. He is the son of renowned tennis commentator John McEnroe and his former personal assistant Patty Smyth Read more

After quitting his job as a golf instructor at UCLA, he is currently playing on the Web.com Tour. His father has said that Jason is "the most competitive kid we've ever met" and "he's got a lot of determination."

If you're going to have a bad attitude, you may as well not even tee it up that week because you probably won't play good anyways. Jason Day
Anything can happen, so you have to control your attitude and stay strong. Jason Day
You have to come in to major championships, and your attitude has to be on point. Jason Day
Being an Australian that's been No. 1 in the world back home playing in Australia, that's a pretty cool moment to have. Jason Day
I did play other sports growing up. I played cricket and all those other things, but I was just so much more talented in golf, and that's all I wanted to do. Jason Day
For some reason, every time I get a little bit under the weather, I've got zero patience. Jason Day
I've got to really try and manage my patience out there. Jason Day
I travel with Club Glove. Jason Day
If my dad was alive, I wouldn't have gone to boarding school, and I wouldn't have had the success I've had. Jason Day
My dad was the way he was, but he also gave me a motto: never say die. Just to keep pushing and pushing, fighting until the end. He put it in my head that you're always going to fight, and you're always going to beat them. Jason Day
My dad was a violent alcoholic. Really aggressive. Jason Day