8 Quotes & Sayings By Jan Neruda

Jan Neruda was born in the hometown of the famous Czech-American author, Franz Kafka. His mother, Eugenie Franck was a teacher and his father, Igor Neruda, a professor of mathematics at the Charles University in Prague. Neruda spent his childhood in various Czechoslovakian cities, before immigrating to America. He attended Yale University where he earned a B.A Read more

cum laude in chemistry. He then earned his M.D. at Harvard Medical School and completed his internship at New York Hospital–Cornell Medical Center before spending five years as an infectious disease specialist at St.

Francis Hospital in Manhattan. After earning his M.D., he became a medical officer for the United States Public Health Service in Puerto Rico. Jan Neruda is also the author of several books including "The Code" (1984), "The Code: A Workbook for Health Professionals" (1999), "American Code" (2005), "Healthy Living for Healthy People" (2006).

The face of the dead man was concealed, of course, our customs not being those of the south, where corpses are carried to the grave in open coffins, that they might — one last time before slipping into the pit — be warmed by the light of the sun. Jan Neruda
No one has the right to enter literature without fresh...
No one has the right to enter literature without fresh new ideas. We’ve got too many dexterous drudges as it is. Jan Neruda
I know that no reader ever asks a question. A...
I know that no reader ever asks a question. A writer must force his favors upon his readers. Jan Neruda
Men are jealous of every woman, even when they don’t...
Men are jealous of every woman, even when they don’t have the slightest interest in her themselves. Jan Neruda
The Kammerlicht: Explanations of the Impressions Left Upon Various and Sundry Natures by Dreams as Interpreted According to Tribe, and of the Numbers to be Staked in Lotteries in Conformity with the Meanings of Said Dreams. says … there are eight ‘tribes’ of dreams and of the eight only the fifth is genuine. Tribe 8 are dreams emanating directly from evil spirits. Tribe 7 are dreams granted to the virtuous as direct revelations. Tribe 6 are dreams from roots planted in disease (fever and such). Tribe 5 are dreams that come to those who have taken no food before retiring and are of a healthy & tranquil disposition. Jan Neruda
I’ve supped on potatoes and groats and am waiting to be sick. How about you? I supped like the Lord in Heaven.’and what does the Lord in Heaven have for supper?’ Nothing. Jan Neruda
At least when one speaks of oneself one is passionate, well-informed and specific. Jan Neruda