3 Quotes & Sayings By James Purefoy

James Purefoy is the son of the late actor Robert Purefoy. He grew up in Redondo Beach, California, where he attended high school. He later attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After college, James moved to New York City, where he worked as an actor on Broadway and Off-Broadway Read more

He played, among other roles, Gollum in Peter Jackson's final LOTR movie, "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies".

Violence is a very ugly thing. Violence is often so casual on film, and made to look so cool and so sexy, but violence is a repulsive, repugnant act that human beings inflict on each other. It shouldn't seem to be cool and sexy, ever really. James Purefoy
Decide very early on: do you want to be an actor or do you want to be famous? Because they're very different routes. James Purefoy