7 Quotes & Sayings By James Luceno

James Luceno is the author of the bestselling Star Wars novel Heir to the Empire, as well as the upcoming novel Tatooine Ghost. He has written for a number of licensed Star Wars products, including novels in the bestselling Expanded Universe line, ebooks in LucasBooks' Journey to The Force Awakens publishing program, and video games.

Even the brightest of dreams-come-true had shadowy recesses.
Even the brightest of dreams-come-true had shadowy recesses. James Luceno
You look at the history of any sentient species and what do you find but tableaux of violence and slaughter. It’s finger-painted on the ceilings of caves and engraved into the walls of temples. James Luceno
Rarely did events play out as imagined, in any case. The order of future events was transient. In the same way that the past was reconfigured by selective memory, future events, too, were moving targets. One could only act on instinct, grab hold of an intuited perfect moment, and spring into action. James Luceno
If we aren't willing to do whatever is required, " he said finally, "then we risk losing what we have been mandated to protect. James Luceno
I've no interest on initiating a fashion trend on Coruscant or anywhere else. I simply want a uniform that fits - Tarkin James Luceno
Mathematics isn’t just science, it is poetry — our efforts to crystallise the unglimpsed connections between things. Poetry that bridges and magnifies the mysteries of the galaxy. But the signs and symbols and equations sentients employ to express these connections are not discoveries but the teasing out of secrets that have always existed. James Luceno