9 Quotes & Sayings By James Lovelock

James Lovelock, FRS (1918–2012) was an English chemist and originator of the "Gaia hypothesis," the idea that Earth functions as a single self-regulating system. He is considered one of the founding fathers of the modern science of earth science. He suggested that global warming and other aspects of climate change might be caused by positive feedback mechanisms in the Earth system, and later provided the scientific basis for this idea in his Gaia theory. He was awarded the 2007 Venia legendi, or "Lifetime Achievement Award", of the European Geosciences Union.

If we gave up eating beef we would have roughly 20 to 30 times more land for food than we have now. James Lovelock
I'm a scientist, not a theologian. I don't know if there is a God or not. Religion requires certainty. Revere and respect Gaia. Have trust in Gaia. But not faith. James Lovelock
Fudging the data in any way whatsoever is quite literally a sin against the holy ghost of science. I'm not religious, but I put it that way because I feel so strongly. It's the one thing you do not ever do. You've got to have standards. James Lovelock
There is little evidence that our individual intelligence has improved through recorded history. James Lovelock
The oil companies regard nuclear power as their rival, who will reduce their profits, so they put out a lot of disinformation about nuclear power. James Lovelock
Geological change usually takes thousands of years to happen but we are seeing the climate changing not just in our lifetimes but also year by year. James Lovelock
Sadly, it's much easier to create a desert than a forest. James Lovelock
China will soon emit more greenhouse gases than America, but its regime knows if it caps aspirations there will be a revolution. James Lovelock