27 Quotes & Sayings By James Jeanpierre

James Jean-Pierre is a fashion and film photographer based in New York City. His work has been featured in numerous publications, including Vogue, Vanity Fair, The New York Times Magazine, American Photo, and Newsweek.

Ignorance is toxic. If a man hands you a cup...
Ignorance is toxic. If a man hands you a cup of coffee and pours in what he calls liquid sugar when the container clearly says poison, how bliss is your ignorance? James JeanPierre
It pains me to have all this knowledge and no...
It pains me to have all this knowledge and no one to share it with, I’d have to say its number 3 on my list. — Of what causes me the most pain. James JeanPierre
If my brain was examined, they'd call me crazy… and for a long time I thought I was. Articles, doctors and psychiatrist and a whole bunch of other people constantly tell me there’s something wrong with me, so how could I not believe it. I now realize I’m not crazy, I just have access to a different part of the brain. A part of the brain that will cause people to kill themselves, because it’s so hard to handle. . James JeanPierre
Life is nothing more than a contradiction.
Life is nothing more than a contradiction. James JeanPierre
It was always about the money, but when you want to be successful and all you think about is the money, all you work for is the money… You will never be successful. You will be blinded and make mistakes especially when you are disparate, so I guess it never really was about the money. James JeanPierre
My father would laugh behind my back to other family members whenever he heard I was doing something knew. “He wrote a book, what does he know about writing a book? What school did he go to, to be writing a book?” While he laughed and asked about my credentials, I to laughed because what someone would go to school for, I could simply go on YouTube, search the web or simply read a book from someone who’s done it before me. James JeanPierre
We have to feed our loved ones, but at what cost. A dead man or woman can’t feed the living. James JeanPierre
A double sided sword is crafted under heat and pressure and comes out ever more beautiful because of it. James JeanPierre
I could’ve quit long ago, but there wouldn’t be nothing to quit to, unless I was ready to commit suicide. James JeanPierre
I used to think there was a secret when it came to success, until I read a shit load of books and posts and realized the secret is the millionaires are getting rich off idiots like me who believe there truly is a secret. James JeanPierre
Have and the have nots. Why do people say that, it’s stupid? I think it should be the gets and the get nots; that makes more sense. James JeanPierre
Your dreams have to be like a cockroach, they have to be hard to kill and you have to be like that pesky mosquito that doesn't know when to give up. James JeanPierre
Don’t be like everyone else and pawn your dreams for pennies, because they’ll never give you what it’s truly worth. James JeanPierre
I stood in the isle thinking about my future, while the man next to me complained, but when I asked him what his dream was he never answered. James JeanPierre
The worst pain I had to face is the fight with myself. I'm unsure who to rout for, because they both want what’s best for me. James JeanPierre
Grown ups’ could learn a lesson from watching cartoons. James JeanPierre
In a time where everyone is searching for success, it's easy for other so called entrepreneurs to live off them because they haven't learned patience when it comes to money. James JeanPierre
People can't stand to be alone with themselves, so they bother me when I'm trying to be alone with myself. James JeanPierre
It's more dangerous to have a friend then it is to have an enemy. James JeanPierre
Negativity is like being stung constantly by a thousand bees. At first it’s really annoying, but after a few more stings it becomes toxic. James JeanPierre
Ignorance is toxic. James JeanPierre
I look up to the modern entrepreneurs, because the one’s from the old age, many are racist, even if no one knows about that part of their lives, but I am not so ignorant that I will not learn from their work to better my life. James JeanPierre
The day is always good, you just have to ignore the bad and look for the good. Remember it takes more muscle to frown then it does to smile, so smile for another day. James JeanPierre
Becoming an entrepreneur is like walking through flames. You either ignore it, deal with it or be engulfed by it. You must realize when you make it, the burns will heal and you’ll become a better person because of it. James JeanPierre
It’s funny how I’m encouraged to go to school so much, but I’ve learned more valuable things on google then from school. James JeanPierre
I hang around shepherds because I can't talk to sheep. James JeanPierre