3 Quotes & Sayings By James Chartrand

James Chartrand is a retired Lt. Colonel, lawyer, and military historian. He was an intelligence officer in the U.S. Army during the 1960s and early 1970s, serving in Western Europe, South America, and the Pacific Read more

He was also a regimental commander in Vietnam with the 1st Cavalry Division, participating in Operation Apache Snowcap in 1968. He has written several books on military history, including "Unjust War" and "The Iron Arm"

The Internet doesn’t love you or need you — but your family does. James Chartrand
Realize that by hurting your own characters, you are not a sadist. You are not deliberately hurting your loved ones merely to watch them suffer. You’re giving a gift. You’re helping them grow and develop. Your characters take on deeper meaning to become more alive on your pages. They’ll become real. James Chartrand