6 Quotes & Sayings By Jack Mcdevitt

Jack McDevitt is the author of seventeen novels of science fiction, two collections of short stories, and the novella "The Rosetta Stoned". He has written for television and films, including "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", "Event Horizon", "Total Recall", "The Hunt for Red October", and "Armageddon". For many years, Jack was also a computer game designer, first at EA Sports and then at Microsoft. He lives in San Antonio, Texas with his wife.

Tides are like politics. They come and go with a great deal of fuss and noise, but inevitably they leave the beach just as they found it. On those few occasions when major change does occur, it is rarely a good news. Jack McDevitt
Man has always seen himself the peak of creation. The part of the universe that thinks. The purpose for it all. It's no doubt a gratifying view, but the universe may have a different opinion. Jack McDevitt
The home world exercises its siren call over us all. No matter how far we wander, or how long we are gone, it waits patiently. And when we return to it, as we must, it sings to us. We came out of its forests, waded ashore from its seas. It is in our blood, for good or ill. Jack McDevitt
The real problem has to do with the inability by people to admit that a position they've held a long time might be wrong. That's all. Not that it is. Just that it might be. I don't know why it is, but we tend to fall in love with things we believe, Threaten them, and you threaten us. Jack McDevitt
Show me what a people admire, and I will tell you everything about them that matters. Jack McDevitt