3 Quotes & Sayings By Ivan Yelkin

Ivan Yelkin (1904-2012) was a Russian writer, editor, and publisher. He was born in St. Petersburg, but spent most of his life in Moscow. Yelkin studied at the Imperial School of Jurisprudence there, and became a lawyer in 1933 Read more

During Stalin's Great Purge of the 1930s, he was arrested and imprisoned for five years. After being released he decided to become a journalist. He worked for newspapers and magazines in Moscow, Leningrad, and Tomsk before moving to Paris in 1947 where he began working at the "Sovietskaya Gazeta" newspaper. He also worked as an editor at several publications including "Kommunist", "Russkoye Slovo", "Izvestiya", "Pravda", "Literaturnaya Gazeta", "Moskovskiy Komsomolets", "Charter" and many others. He published his first book in 1957, titled The Literary Life.

His books were printed by the Soviet government press, which limited their distribution to libraries and bookstores within Russia during his lifetime. He was also known as the Editor-in-Chief of the literary magazine Sovetskaya Rossiya. His last book was published in 2008 entitled The Last Year With Lenin, which was released by the Russian Institute for Peace after Yelkin's death.

Trust is the delusion of truth with ill fated consequences Ivan Yelkin
The truth begins where trust ends. Ivan Yelkin