3 Quotes & Sayings By Isiphile Petse

Isiphile Petse is a writer and a freelance editor. She writes mainly about sociology and psychology. She was born in 1994 and has grown up in the Netherlands. At the age of 11, she started to take interest in education and children's literature. She attended her secondary education at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam where she studied English for Foreigners Read more

She also studied Dutch at the University of Amsterdam. After that, she took a year off to travel and did volunteer work and then returned to university to study education, specialising in children's literature and sociology. Later on, she went on to take a BA (Hons) degree in Children's Literature and Education at the University of Nottingham. It is time for you to get motivated! As you can see from the above list, there are many famous authors who have already contributed their work towards motivation which will be an inspiration for all young readers.

The reason why they are famous is because they have been able to make their readers get motivated by writing about topics such as self-motivation, becoming a great leader or just simply getting better at something that they love doing. You may wonder why it is important to get motivated when your life hasn't even begun yet? Don't you have enough things to worry about? First of all, being motivated means being able to do things which you enjoy doing so much you miss it when it is not happening anymore. Motivation will give you the drive needed so that you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way so that you can achieve anything that you want in life. It is certainly important when it comes down to being able to overcome any obstacle in your path so that you can achieve all of your goals in life but motivation will help you get over the initial hurdle which will make everything easier afterwards.

It can change your life if done right! This article has been written by Charlotte 'Charli' Robertson who has been writing since early 2011 for various websites such as  http://www.historyforallseasons.com/ ,  http://www.history4u2learners.com/ ,  http://www.pinterest.com/explorationshistory/ ,  http://www.isthmusreviewsofbooksblogspotcom/reviews/ ,  http://www.thefrugalhistoryladyblogspotcom . She enjoys reading a wide variety of books from history, romance novels with a twist of comedy

Education is a system designed to make you feel inferior,...
Education is a system designed to make you feel inferior, yet they encourage you to accept it in order to be superior Isiphile Petse
We forget our greatness, when we measure ourselves against the world... We compete and compare so muchwe forget what we are destined for..... Isiphile Petse