3 Quotes & Sayings By Ingrid Nkenlifack

Ingrid Nkenlifack is a qualified and experienced coach and consultant, helping individuals and teams to become more effective and happier. She has been coaching leaders and teams for over 25 years, and coaches organisations such as the European Space Agency (ESA), the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), the World Economic Forum (WEF), Johnson & Johnson, McKinsey & Co, BNP Paribas Fortis, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), etc. She is also a member of the National Coaching Federation and is a certified coach for both individuals and teams.

I feel sad for the people who I hear always plan, plan, plan the next day's event to occur. Life only stands still for them. Ingrid Nkenlifack
There are two types of people in life when it comes to their careers: people who visualize, and people who imitate. The people who visualize paint their own vision of what their mark is in the world, while the people who imitate can only see what the visualizers want them to. Ingrid Nkenlifack