3 Quotes & Sayings By Ian Pattison

Ian Pattison is a veteran journalist who began his newspaper career as a copy boy at the Daily Express and has worked for some of the world's top media outlets – including The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The National, The Mail on Sunday, and the Daily Mirror. He's also worked as a technology correspondent for Reuters and as a news editor for ITN. As well as writing fiction, he was the first person to bring the concept of social networking sites such as MySpace to the world's attention. His first novel, The Hanging Tree, was published in 2004 and his second novel, Dancing on the Air , was published in 2008.

No, forget love, the best we can hope to mould, given the poor Play-Doh of humankind, is a capacity for tolerance. This is achievable since tolerance is little more than indifference with a Dulux coat of manners. Surely we can manage that? Call me a dreamer but I can see a world where people of all races, creeds and colour will live together in harmony because they don't give a toss about each other. Ian Pattison
Cancer gets a bad press but, fair do's, it's a truly egalitarian illness, unlike those stuck-up bastards ME and motor neurone. Ian Pattison