4 Quotes & Sayings By Ian Ayris

Ian Ayris has been writing for over twenty years, mainly on the subjects of science, technology, engineering and maths. He has written nearly 100 articles and has covered topics such as cyberspace, information security, encryption and biometrics for newspapers, magazines and websites. Ian was also editor of the "Cyber Security" section of the "Computer World" magazine for two years. He holds a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Southampton and is currently editor of the news website InfoSecNews.co.uk.

Cos there's holes in this world, see. Holes. And the likes of Thommo, and Keith, and me, and Kenny, we just sort of fall through em. We weren't never bad kids, we just didn't have nothing to hold on to, that's all. Ian Ayris
I knew today was gonna be bad, but I never got close to this Ian Ayris
I'm goin past factories. Boxes of metal with people inside. Souls bein ripped apart. Ian Ayris