3 Quotes & Sayings By Howard E Wasdin

Dr. Wasdin was a professor at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine from 1965 until his death in 2003. He received his medical degree in 1961 from the University of Chicago Medical School, where he served as an instructor in Urology and Laboratory Medicine. He was elected to the American College of Surgeons in 1969 and served as president of the Association for Academic Surgery Read more

During his career, Dr. Wasdin published several scientific papers in the field of cancer, in addition to over three hundred professional book reviews and essays on medical subjects in leading medical journals.

I want to share some insight into why someone would want to be a SEAL. A lot of us faced obstacles growing up. I didn't have any type of real nurturing as a kid. I hope people will relate to my story and go, 'Hey, if this guy can do it, so can I.' Howard E. Wasdin
People think SEALs are cold-blooded, heartless, wound-up, brainwashed killers. They imagine you can just point a SEAL in a direction and say, 'Go kill.' The truth is you're talking about a bunch of kind-hearted, jovial guys. The only thing that separates them is mental toughness. Howard E. Wasdin