68 Quotes & Sayings By Hina Hashmi

Hina Hashmi is an Indian-American doctor, writer, and speaker. She is best known for her book "A Single Shot" which traces the path of a single bullet through the head of a suicide bomber, introducing readers to the reality of terrorism, mass murder, and war crimes. Her writing has been featured in The Economist, Forbes Magazine, The Washington Post and TIME Magazine. Hina is also a racial healing advocate and is deeply concerned about the racial issues in this country Read more

She is the founder of the Racial Healing Project, a non-profit initiative dedicated to providing healing and hope to all people through dialogue and education.

If you experience any emotion like frustration, hesitation or anger,...
If you experience any emotion like frustration, hesitation or anger, while planning your dream life , means you need to clear some mental blocks. Hina Hashmi
You have two options whether to speed up or block...
You have two options whether to speed up or block your soul’s intentions. You have a choice: to act out of selfish ego or as a loving soul. Hina Hashmi
Negative experiences lower our personal vibrations and we feel bad....
Negative experiences lower our personal vibrations and we feel bad. This state attracts more negative experiences leading to negative vibrations. Lower vibes are bad for health of the soul. Hina Hashmi
When you are close to divine and get guidance from the divine, life becomes easy. Intuition is where peace, magic and glory are. Hina Hashmi
Whatever you think again and again affects your feelings and is impressed upon subconscious mind and becomes a part of your personality. Hina Hashmi
If we want great things to happen then we must create space in our lives for what we desire. Hina Hashmi
Wonderful things happen due to positive beliefs and good karma. Change your mind set to earn good karma and to make your life beautiful. Hina Hashmi
You need to cleanse your mind throughout life because there is so much negativity in yourself and around. Keep cleaning and you will connect with the Universe quicker and effectively. Hina Hashmi
Limiting beliefs and thoughts are created in the mind. These mental blocks must be cleared to be happy. Only then the loving wisdom of the soul will open. Hina Hashmi
Stop looking back on your life and wishing it was different because pursuing that kind of mental activity will never lead to any worthy accomplishment. Think about what ‘can be’ rather than what ‘was’. Hina Hashmi
After dissolution of fears, your mind and emotions act in harmony to help you to make you a joyous soul. You don’t need to do extra efforts to get what you desire. Hina Hashmi
Positive thoughts are a source of joy, love and an indication of our alignment with the source. Negative thoughts create disharmony in our body for example depression, fear and aggression indicate misalignment with the source. Hina Hashmi
Changing irrational beliefs can impact multiple areas of life. It doesn’t matter how many times you repeat affirmations for success but if you don’t change your core beliefs, the changes will be temporary. Hina Hashmi
When you forgive people, events and circumstances, you are in the process of change, which leads you towards dominant universal emotion called love. Hina Hashmi
When you forgive yourself, you free yourself from memories which aren’t serving you anymore. Hina Hashmi
Forgiveness is required to dissolve all the negative energy cords because it releases shame, guilt, anger, hatred, etc. Hina Hashmi
In every moment, you make decisions based on your beliefs or inspiration which comes to you directly from the divine/universe. Hina Hashmi
Thoughts like weeds will grow automatically unless we train them according to our choice. Thoughts gravitate according to what’s happening around us. Hina Hashmi
Your thoughts exist. Whatever you have thought today, yesterday or many years back, it is energy and it exists. Your attention activates thoughts and it is strengthened with your repetition. Hina Hashmi
Our vibration depends upon what we are thinking, feeling and acting. You have two choices, one is to flow with the chaotic frequencies of the world and feel hopeless, or decide what and how you want to feel. Hina Hashmi
People, material and situation come in to our lives because of our thoughts and beliefs. When we don’t want those experiences, we try to push them away. When we use our vital energy in resisting what we don’t want, we attract more of it whether it’s a person, circumstance or challenge. Hina Hashmi
Conflicts stay in your mind with your permission. You allow them to. Hina Hashmi
We need to be our own guide. We can live a much more peaceful and happy life if we think about positive growth of ourselves and others, and its effects on the universe." -Hina Hashmi Hina Hashmi
Great goals always come from inspiration. Hina Hashmi
Most people just ‘hope’ to meet their targets, while few have clear and strong intention hence they achieve it. Hina Hashmi
One must avoid getting stuck in the negative memories because these can block personal growth. Hina Hashmi
Emotions serve as our guiding system. They tell us what we feel about something. This indicates the degree of alignment with the source's energy. Hina Hashmi
You see, everything going on in your life is stemming within you. The control of your life should always be in your hands. What other people think about you should not stop you from moving forward in life. Hina Hashmi
One of our duties on this planet is to dissolve the negative emotions associated with negative memories while we motivate ourselves and other people. Hina Hashmi
When you continuously give attention to a positive thought, it becomes a dominant thought. Repeating this thought will become a bigger part of your vibration. Hina Hashmi
When we don't interact people with sincerity in our hearts they receive mixed vibrations from us. These vibrations become source of disharmony and chaos for the people and the universe. Hina Hashmi
One positive person affects the whole universe. If you improve yourself as a human being then you will contribute for the betterment of the whole planet. Hina Hashmi
Keep your ears open and listen to the whispers of the universe, because they will guide you for the best. Hina Hashmi
Good intention bring success in everything you do. Intention is always supported by the universal energy because it’s a vital ingredient for manifestation. Hina Hashmi
Positive, truthful and helping people always get rewards. Oneness, love, compassion and enlightenment can be attained by following the spiritual laws of the universe." -Hina Hashmi Hina Hashmi
Our bodies are reflective of our inner feelings. If we feel emotionally or sexually vulnerable inside, we may build a protective layer of fat over our abdomen or hips, the places where we hold our emotions and sexuality. Hina Hashmi
When the flow of a river is blocked, it overflows or breaks the barriers. Similarly, our emotions can get out of control if their expression is blocked. Hina Hashmi
Similar aura patterns with someone indicate that we have same frequency at physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, while the opposite is true for the people whom we dislike instantly. Hina Hashmi
When you appreciate what you have, and feel enthusiasm for life, you move in the direction of your natural state i.e. happy & peaceful. Hina Hashmi
Taking the path of least resistance is always helpful and peaceful, which is always in line with your life’s purpose. May be you are successful in what you do but universe will keep trying to bring you back to your purpose. Hina Hashmi
Taking the path of least resistance is always helpful and peaceful, which is always in line with your life’s purpose. If your current work area is different than your purpose then you will face extra challenges. Hina Hashmi
Good deeds move you towards the right place, at the right time, and with the right people. When you succeed in good things, ultimately you will experience enlightenment/ascension. Hina Hashmi
We can choose the type of thoughts we repeat in our mind. Nothing can force us to pick any memory, circumstance or relationship without our permission. Hina Hashmi
When you want something to move out of your life, don't focus on it. Give attention to what you want. Hina Hashmi
Detachment is a basic requirement for seeking enlightenment. Anyone or anything we are attached to has power to manipulate us although we all have freedom to choose. Hina Hashmi
The person who feels secure, loved, safe and happy inside will have a secure, safe and happy life. Your inner integrity will be matched by those around you Hina Hashmi
When you choose being a loving soul, and give proper attention to your dreams without using your own will power, then you are in a process of creating a range of experiences which flow into your life harmoniously. Hina Hashmi
An individual can’t create anything itself. All of our dreams come true with the cooperation and co-creation of other souls. Hina Hashmi
The person who feels secure, loved, safe and happy inside will have a secure, safe and happy life. Your inner integrity will be matched by those around you. Hina Hashmi
Doubt is one of the most dangerous negative vibrations and can ruin the materialization process. Hina Hashmi
Self-criticism and negative thoughts about yourself will attract people who reflect this back to you, showing critical behavior and can abuse you physically. Hina Hashmi
When you ask, feel and believe- you receive. You hold everything in your consciousness. There is an unlimited supply of ideas waiting for you to tap into and to bring forth. Hina Hashmi
We can attract almost anything by using our imagination. All we need to do is to hold the picture of desires/dreams in our mind and focus on it as it blends with emotions that are of higher vibrations. Hina Hashmi
We attract vibrations which are in harmony with the dominating vibrations of their mind. Hina Hashmi
If your thoughts, feelings and actions are not in harmony of what you desire, you won't materialize it. Hina Hashmi
The Universe has gifted us with abundance of everything, whether it’s love, happiness or prosperity. We should tap into the higher frequency to receive it. Hina Hashmi
Ask and visualize for what your intuition has guided you for because visualization is the strongest tool for manifestation. Hina Hashmi
Dreaming of a luxurious life and to be rich is very good. You must put all your efforts but it will happen at a certain time in your life because it depends upon your readiness, the beliefs you hold and the choices you make to achieve it. Hina Hashmi
Materialize what you want with cooperation of other people not by depriving them. Hina Hashmi
The Universe is like a loving parent who wants us to have everything we need. Claim your power and be prosperous. Hina Hashmi
If you really want to do, be or have anything, then first destroy your greatest enemy 'doubt’. The manifestation of your desire is directly proportional to how much you believe. Hina Hashmi
Our spirit requires freedom in every area of our lives. The barriers that stop our soul from free expression are doubt, guilt, resentment, and thoughts of lack or limitation. Hina Hashmi
Life has no meaning. You give meaning to everything. Your beliefs influence the meanings you give. Your judgment about situations is based on the beliefs you hold. Hina Hashmi
Divinity guides us all the time but most of us don’t know how to interpret its messages. Hina Hashmi
If we continuously protest and complain about our life then we actually create barriers in the manifestation process and the natural flow of life. Hina Hashmi
A wrong mind-set is like bad soil that restricts a plant’s growth. Similarly, limiting beliefs about ‘what we deserve’ hinder our growth. They stop us from being abundant in every area of our life. Hina Hashmi
Blaming others doesn't certify your goodness. Hina Hashmi