3 Quotes & Sayings By Heather Watts

Heather is a bestselling author, fitness expert and the founder of FitBottomedGirls.com. She writes for magazines, newspapers, and websites throughout the world including "Glamour", Vogue, Self, More", "Marie Claire", "GQ", "Shape", "Total Beauty", the Huffington Post, the "Daily Mail", ABC Radio National, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Men's Health Magazine, Fitness Magazine and many more! Her first book was published in 2006 by Random House. Her second book, BUY THIS BOOK! was published in April 2011 by HarperCollins.

Arts education is a big part of building a 21st century creative mind, and I think that we have let way too many kids lose their way by not drawing in their young minds with music, dance, painting and the other various ways we can express those things we do not have words for. Heather Watts
I believe strongly in the power of arts education to engage and empower young people. Heather Watts