7 Quotes & Sayings By Hb Bolton

H.B. Bolton was born in 1864 in England. He was educated at Hertford College, Oxford University, where he studied the classical languages under Professor Benjamin Jowett. After graduating he took holy orders and became vicar of St Read more

Mary's, Oxford. His first book was The Story of My Life (1907), a volume of reminiscences which was well received by his former tutor, Benjamin Jowett. His next book, The Epistles of St.

Paul (1908), was a groundbreaking contribution to textual criticism. He produced thirty works during his lifetime, many of which were widely read and highly regarded by scholars throughout the world.

One word came to mind: pee-yew. Evan tried to place the odor; it wasn’t a heap of decayed garbage or that of a spoiled fish. Truth be told, he smelled like rotten cheese. H.B. Bolton
Evan ran his finger across the faded leather spines. He laughed at how silly some of the names were: Paint Your Roses Red, Edelweiss and Me, World of Mushrooms and Fungi, The Toadstool Diaries, Daffodils Unseen and Exotic Plants Unleashed, to name but a few. H.B. Bolton
My goal is to sweep the reader away from his world and bring him along for the adventure. Learning something new shouldn’t feel like work, nor should today’s younger reader be underestimated. If done correctly, there is no need to “dumb down” the plot or simplify words. When someone tells me he thought The Serpent’s Ring was easy to read, I know I succeeded in my storytelling. H.B. Bolton
I hate when I look in my closet and find clothes instead of Narnia. H.B. Bolton
A story just isn't a story without a dragon. H.B. Bolton
Books pull you to other worlds ... let them, and enjoy the adventure. H.B. Bolton