8 Quotes & Sayings By Hazel Cartwright

Hazel Cartwright is a bestselling author. Her latest book, “The Lost Dog’s Locket” was released in March 2017. She has written over thirty books for children including the popular “Grace’s Companions” series. A former teacher, she has traveled the world in search of inspiration for her novels Read more

She lives in the UK with her husband and two children.

-Have a Glass of wine & over time it will be fine. Hazel Cartwright
You’re always on time, aren’t you?” I said flirtatiously as he arrived.“ My darling lady, when it’s you … yes I am.” He opened the car door and as I was securely inside, I reached over to unlock his door on the spur of the moment. I thought I shouldn’t tell him I did not want him to feel rejected or abandoned tonight. Still, I couldn’t just postpone my education. Quickly, I hid my concern from his eyes. They were thirsting to read every thought from my mind that appeared on my face. At the dinner table, I did my best to cover my frustrations, holding normal activities Amillo and I did on dates, every once in a while shifting my eyes away to daze off in thought. -Emerald Eyes Of The Sea. Hazel Cartwright
Thoughts are pennies from Heaven Hazel Cartwright
As I left his office he continued his telephone conversation, and as Amanda had declared, she was in fact waiting for me. “So, Amanda, what is it now? Who is it you want to fix me up with today?” “ Well actually, I don’t have any new candidates in my mind just yet. I actually need some decorating advice.  I want to tackle my living room den. It has been about three years since it has had a lift. It needs a new theme, and I would like your opinion of what direction I should consider . modern contemporary or vintage?” “ Well, what does your husband think, or does he have a vote?” “ Well, on paper, yes, but between us women . absolutely not. . Hazel Cartwright
As the episode of Scandal ended, I sat up in my bed and thought, I have to read it again. It was driving me crazy, so I got out of bed and skipped down stairs of my comfy loft on the east side of Paradise Hills. Once downstairs I slipped the letter out of the side closure of my briefcase. I walked back to my bedroom, and I began reading the note left for me. Hazel Cartwright
I didn’t leave early that morning. I waited for him to wake up and kiss me good morning. He said he was going to take a shower and I should come join him. I thought now was as good of a time as any and placed the ring on his corner table with my note. It read: My Love, I don’t know how you will accept my decision. I do love you with all my heart but you are not my first love. I am always going to be infatuated with my love for the sea. Accept my proposal after I have completed my education, claim my heart for thy own & obtain thy love in which it possesses. With all My Love, Zara-emerald eyes of the sea . Hazel Cartwright
Hello, ma’am. How are you today?” he asked one day with a grin on his face the size of Kansas. I turned around looked at him and asked him what will it be, sir? “ For starters, ” he replied, “how about your name and phone number?” Hmm, you know if you strap a ton to your ankles and dive head first into the Atlantic, I‘ll think about it when you come back up, ” I replied and smiled. My chances are that slim, eh?” he said, leaning up against the counter. Well, actually a little slimmer than that if you want me to be honest. So are you going to help pay my bills or are you wasting my precious oxygen?- Emerald Eyes Of The Sea . Hazel Cartwright