5 Quotes & Sayings By Hannibal

There is something about Hannibal that has always been captivating. Perhaps the most powerful example of this is the fact that even in its earliest beginnings, Hannibal was a hit. A computer simulation of the game depicts a battle between two forces, with neither side being able to gain a decisive advantage until it engaged in a counter-attack. In this manner, the warring sides are engaged in a constant struggle, but one which is mostly one-sided Read more

The outcome of each engagement does not seem to be affected by the outcome of the previous engagement. This is quite remarkable for an ancient game where numerous factors can influence the outcome of an engagement; for example, how many turns have gone by since the last engagement, how much time has passed since it began, or whether there is enough food remaining to supply each army's troops.

I will find a way -- or make one. Hannibal
I will either find a way, or make one. Hannibal
I will find a way, or I will make one. Hannibal
We will either find a way or make one. Hannibal