5 Quotes & Sayings By Hannah Bleau

Hannah Bleau began writing when she was in second grade and has been writing ever since. She is the author of the popular Harriet Lane Mysteries, which feature a quirky heroine and a terrific cast of secondary characters. Her books have been translated into over thirty languages and have appeared in U.S. and foreign editions in both print and e-book formats Read more

Hannah lives in Ohio with her husband and daughter. They enjoy sharing their love of books and travel with everyone they meet.

Stop telling me I’m oppressed... I’m not a victim. I don’t know why feminists are so hellbent on characterizing me as one... Feminists don’t speak for me. They’re not my voice. They’re not my representation. I owe them nothing, except maybe a shred of sympathy. How miserable must they be to see oppression at every turn?.. You DON’T speak for me. You DON’T represent me or my concerns.. We’re living proof that the modern day feminist movement is a crock. Feminists are victims of their own delusions, and we’ll never buy what they’re selling. Hannah Bleau
Society doesn't owe us anything. I don't need someone to pay for my female hygiene products to feel empowered. Can we work? Yes. Can we vote? Yes. Do we have the same rights and opportunities as men? Yes. What rights are they [feminists] fighting for? What are they specifically? What don't they have? Hannah Bleau
Feminists are incapable of crafting a coherent argument using their words. It almost always involves menstrual blood or some sort of reference to ladyparts. Hannah Bleau
A bunch of Latinas at Pitzer College decided to let white girls know that they shouldn’t wear hoops anymore, because that’s appropriating a style.. I’ve never worn hoop earrings for the purpose of “feeling ethnic, ” nor have I ever associated hoop earrings with a certain culture. They’ve always been an accessory I like. It’s really as simple as that.. I can’t wear hoops because I didn’t “create the culture as a coping mechanism for marginalization”? I can’t wear hoops because I’m not a feminist? I can’t wear hoops because some Latinas can’t afford it? I can’t wear hoops because I refuse to buy into your hypersensitive BS?..Does anyone else realize how completely ridiculous that sounds? . Hannah Bleau