4 Quotes & Sayings By Hala Alyan

Hala Alyan is the author of the international bestselling novel, "My Name Is Not My Name" (St. Martin's Press, 2014) and co-author of "The Battle of the Sexes" with her husband, Ahmed Sa'id. She is also the editor-in-chief at The Cairo Review. Hala is a contributing editor at Fortune Middle East Read more

She was selected by Business Insider as one of the thirty most powerful women in the Middle East, and she was named one of "The Top 25 Inspirational Middle East Women" by the Huffington Post.

She feels the anger quiet into a briny resentment. The bitterness floats like an inkblot in her mind’s eye. Hala Alyan
She still loves him. This is the fact she wakes up to each morning. She checks it, sometimes, a tongue probing an aching tooth, making sure it still hurts. Hala Alyan
The sea was like another member of the household, a recalcitrant child at times, a soothing aunt at others. She crooned them awake; she crooned them to sleep. Everywhere, there was the smell of salt. Hala Alyan