7 Quotes & Sayings By Ha Jin

Ha Jin was born in Shanghai, China, in 1952. He received his Ph.D. in Chinese literature from Peking University, where he worked for ten years as a professor of modern Chinese literature. His first collection of short stories, "The Republic of Wine" (He-Ji), won the prestigious Yan Fu Prize for Literature, and was published in English by New Harvest Read more

His other works include "The Recluse of China" (Ren-Zu), "Xiaolong River" (Sha-Lang) and "Tiger Mountain Peasant Girl" (Shan-Lang).

I work hard, I work very hard. All the books...
I work hard, I work very hard. All the books at least 30 revisions. Ha Jin
Once you've done it with him, he won't abandon you....
Once you've done it with him, he won't abandon you. If he really loves you, if he's a man with a heart, he'll follow you wherever you go. If he doesn't, he isn't the man you want, is he? Ha Jin
At home you could depend on your parents, but in America you are on your own and should make as many friends as you can .. . You don't know who may hold out a helpful hand in your hour of need. Ha Jin
But most good writers are Don Quixote at heart, and unreasonableness is often a condition of art. Ha Jin
I would even argue that, for many displaced people, nostalgia is also blended with fear - the fear of uncertainty and of facing the challenges posed by the larger world and the fear of the absence of the clarity and confidence provided by the past. In essence, nostalgia is associated mostly with the experience of a particular type of migrants, namely, exiles. Ha Jin
We ate away, reminiscing about our victories over the enemies from different streets and villages and competing with each other in casting curses. A few golden butterflies and dragonflies were fluttering around us. The afternoon air was warm and clean, and the town below us seemed like a green harbor full of white sails. Ha Jin