4 Quotes & Sayings By Gwyneth Lewis

Gwyneth Lewis is the author of six books, including her bestselling memoir The Great American Read. Her latest book is Garden of Letters, which explores the relationship between the letters in a garden and the letters in Eudora Welty's garden, which inspired her novel The Optimist's Daughter. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and two children.

The opposite of depression isn't feeling happy but being fully alive, however painful Gwyneth Lewis
The wordlessness of depression is a galling experience. You can't phone your friends, writing an e-mail is beyond you, you can't put pen to paper. The disease is a crash course in meaninglessness, lack of structure, the collapse of form. Gwyneth Lewis
When you're in the middle of your depression, pay good attention to it, because, tended carefully, you never know where it might lead you. Gwyneth Lewis