4 Quotes & Sayings By Gunnar Myrdal

Gunnar Myrdal was a Swedish economist who is regarded as the father of the modern welfare state. He received the Nobel Prize for economics for his work on social stratification and economic development. He made social policy a matter of serious research, and his book An American Dilemma, which espoused a democratic capitalism, became required reading at universities around the world. In it, Myrdal argued that class differences were the most important obstacle to human advancement and must be eliminated if the United States was to remain a democratic society.

The study of women's intelligence and personality has had broadly the same history as the one we record for Negroes ... in drawing a parallel between the position of and feeling toward women and Negroes we are uncovering a fundamental basis of our culture. Gunnar Myrdal
America is the one rich country with the biggest slums, the least democratic and least developed health system, and the most niggardly attitude against its old people. Gunnar Myrdal
People don't realize the great happiness there is in living to be very old and together all the time. Gunnar Myrdal