3 Quotes & Sayings By Grant Smuts

Grant Smuts was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, and raised in Peterborough, Ontario. He moved to the United States at age 18, and began his career as a professional actor. After two years of studying acting at UCLA, he pursued a career as a stand-up comedian. In addition to touring the country as a headliner, he has written and performed for various TV shows including "The Jenny Jones Show" and "The Donny & Marie Show" Read more

His first book, Think Like a Champion, The Secrets of Successful Traders was published in May 2008.

The nightmare they banished — a thing of darkness and misery, born of their fears, bloated on their hatreds. They did not — could not — understand it's true essence: the mark of a divinity, broken and scattered among them. Much like the souls of men. Grant Smuts
If we'd done this my way, ' Garrett went on, 'We'd have been here much earlier.'' And drunk, most likely, ' said Maiev.'You say "drunk, " I say "happy", ' Garrett shrugged. Grant Smuts