6 Quotes & Sayings By Gloria Burgess

Gloria Burgess is the author of the critically acclaimed novel, "The Story of A Mother and Daughter" (2010). It was selected as a Book of the Year by the African American Literary Society. The book also won an Eric Hoffer Award for Novel. She has also been awarded two first place awards for writing from the Milwaukee Public Library Foundation Read more

Her works have been published in a number of publications including The New York Times, Ebony Magazine, Essence Magazine, and more.

Now more than ever the world needs your brilliance, your voice, your unique imagination, and your particular genius. Gloria Burgess
Life is so much better when your passion and calling line up. You understand the gift of your spiritual inheritance, assume responsibility for right and just choices, and you pour your signature presence into serving others. Gloria Burgess
Each of us has a call on our lives. This call says, ‘It’s time to get your act together, then take it on the road.’ This call says, ‘Put on your traveling shoes so that you can be of use to others... so that you can wear your soul on the outside, light the way for others, and pass it on. Gloria Burgess
Life is precious, and in the grand song of the universe, life is short. There is much to be done. Gloria Burgess
To change the world, a country, an organization, a community, a relationship, begin with the smallest seed of change: begin with yourself. That is what this book is all about. Gloria Burgess