3 Quotes & Sayings By Game Of Champions

A new book on the history of the world's most famous sporting event will be published in 2018. The book is written by award-winning journalist Richard Conway and is to be published by Bloomsbury Publishing. Richard started researching the book in 2005 and finished work on it in 2016, completing his research with the help of a team of experts from Europe and North America. The title of the book was strictly a matter for Richard to decide, as he was not allowed to reveal the exact title until publication day Read more

Richard wanted to choose a title that would reflect the character of the history – one that would be easily remembered and that could contain a sense of surprise and intrigue, along with a touch of humour. Richard's choice was "Game of Champions". He told Richard Conway: "I have always been conscious throughout my life that I have been lucky enough to have been bestowed with the gift of being able to write about my time as an athlete at these Games.

In doing so, I have been able to relive those moments again and again as many times as I have seen them on television." Richard Conway is a journalist who has spent much of his career working in sport, specifically for newspapers. He has won awards for his work as a sports correspondent, including two National Newspaper Awards for sports reporting. He is also a regular contributor to publications such as The Spectator, The Independent and The Daily Telegraph.

His books include: A Game For All Seasons; The Final Word; Final Score; Final Score: Champions League; Final Score: UEFA Cup; Final Score: Champions League; Final Score: European Cup; Final Score: World Cup; Final Score: European Championships; Final Score: European Championships; Final Score: Euro 2000; Final Score: Olympic Games; Final Score: Paralympics; Final Score: Commonwealth Games; Final Score – Rugby Union – 2003 – Rugby World Cup – 2003 – Rugby World Cup – 2003 – Rugby World Cup – 2003 – Rugby World Cup – 2003 (Football); A Game for All Seasons (Football); and A Game for All Seasons (Rugby Union).

A decision made in anger, however it was rationalized, was poisoned with bias from its origins. The very fact that I had thought of the option wrathfully rendered it unusable. Game Of Champions
There was no luck. There was only preparation meets opportunity, and recognizing the latter and knowing when to seize it was ninety percent of any great success. Game Of Champions