4 Quotes & Sayings By Gabrielle Tozer

Gabrielle Tozer is a writer and a published poet. She writes about food, about writing, about family and relationships, at www.GabrielleTozer.com. She lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with her husband and two kids.

Being a writer is 1% inspiration, 50% perspiration and 49%...
Being a writer is 1% inspiration, 50% perspiration and 49% explaining you're not a millionaire like J.K.Rowling. Gabrielle Tozer
Melons. The girls. Gazongas. I could rattle off every nickname in the world for my boobs — oops nearly forgot jubblies — but it didn’t change the fact they were small. Gabrielle Tozer
Oi, doll, ignore him, ' said Sia, using a notebook to fan her face. 'Sweet lord, I'm like a human hot-water bottle wrapped in doona in front of a heater at the moment. And did I tell you about the constant farting? Gabrielle Tozer