3 Quotes & Sayings By Frank L Stanton

Frank L. Stanton was an American sports writer, author, editor, and historian for almost sixty years. He founded the Sporting News in 1884 and became its editor-in-chief in 1911. He was known for his uncanny ability to predict events in baseball, horse racing, and football Read more

His predictions were accurate 21 times out of 21 tries. His last major prediction came on October 29, 1994, when he correctly forecast that the San Diego Chargers would defeat the Buffalo Bills 24-21 in overtime to win the AFC title game.

Sweetest li'l feller everybody knows Dunno what to call him but he's mighty lak' a rose Lookin' at his mammy wid eyes so shiny blue Mek' you think that Heav'n is comin' clost ter you. Frank L. Stanton
If you strike a thorn or rose Keep a-goin! If it hails or if it snows Keep a-goin! 'Tain't no use to sit and whine 'Cause the fish ain't on your line Bait your hook an' keep on tryin'. Keep a-goin! Frank L. Stanton