9 Quotes & Sayings By Francois Nars

Nars is a French fashion designer known for his many successful cosmetic and skincare lines. Nars is the founder of Nars Cosmetics and is widely regarded as one of the most influential makeup artists in history. He is best known for his iconic, highly pigmented lipsticks, eyeshadows, blushes, and highlighters. Nars has been featured in many publications including Vogue, Vanity Fair, Harper's Bazaar, Allure, Elle, and Glamour Read more

He has received multiple awards including the L'Oreal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science, the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) Award for Achievement in Beauty and Fragrance, and was inducted into the CFDA Hall of Fame in 2012.

It was never in my mind to be famous. Francois Nars
People have to learn that everybody is the same. If you wake up in the morning, even if you're a movie star, you look like everybody else. The reality is that makeup is there to help. That's what it's for. Francois Nars
I love the architecture magazines and all of the French magazines for decoration or whatever. I end up enjoying them more sometimes than the fashion magazines. Francois Nars
Looking at flowers, simple things in life. I don't need to look at gold and a castle; sometimes its very simple things that are very beautiful. I am keeping my eyes fresh to find beauty in many places, and in gold, too, sometimes! Francois Nars
I like beauty to be a bit edgy, not typical. For me, the only rule is looking good. Francois Nars
Find your own way, have an open spirit, and believe in your own beauty. Francois Nars
My mother never wore much make-up, and she was a kind of natural beauty; she knew just how to enhance what she had. Francois Nars
It's more fun to have a name rather than a number. I think this gives our products a personality. I get the names from literature, movies, opera, traveling, nature, poetry, sometimes even the street. I keep a small book that I write in. I wake up in the middle of the night and jot down a name for a lipstick or an eyeshadow. Francois Nars