9 Quotes & Sayings By Francesca Annis

Francesca Annis is the bestselling author of numerous books for children, mostly historical fiction (her "A Series of Unfortunate Events for Young Adults" series, published by HarperCollins, was named one of the best books of 2009 by the New York Public Library), but also contemporary, autobiographical stories. Francesca is also known for her "Old Book Treasure Hunt" series, which has won many awards, including the prestigious Edgar Allan Poe Award. Her most recent novel is The Painted House (Katherine Tegen Books/HarperCollins), a story set in the English countryside during WWII. Francesca lives in England with her husband and two children.

Having children with someone is the real bond. Francesca Annis
I never pursued being 'famous.' Francesca Annis
Exposure makes you famous, not just good work. Famous is being plastered everywhere. Francesca Annis
Too often, older women are seen as victims, but I know lots of formidable women who have marvellous jobs as well as a full erotic life, and children and friends and family. Francesca Annis
The minute anyone's getting anxious I say, You must eat and you must sleep. They're the two vital elements for a healthy life. Francesca Annis
The funny thing is I'm not bothered or sad about being on my own - after all I've never had a husband. Francesca Annis
I'm not bothered or sad about being on my own - after all, I've never had a husband. Francesca Annis
However successful you are, there is no substitute for a close relationship. We all need them. Francesca Annis