14 Quotes & Sayings By Flynn Meaney

Flynn Meaney is the author of the bestselling novel Winter of Our Discontent and the founder of The Young Adult Institute of Seattle, WA. He also writes for Young Adult Contemporary Fiction.

I've never had any summer lovin'. And I've never had any school year lovin', either. I've never had a boyfriend. I've never hooked up with a guy. And this morning, on my Internet browser, an article popped up about women marrying themselves. Even my wireless connection knows I'm alone. Flynn Meaney
We are in a boy recession, " Eugene repeats. "There's been a sudden, drastic decrease in the male population at this school. And I'm gonna take advantage of it. Flynn Meaney
Eugene's got a fake ID, and he actually gets away with using it because he looks like he's thirty-six, thanks to his devotion to tasseled shoes and his ridiculous carpet of chest hair. Flynn Meaney
My love life couldn't be more nonexistent if Julius was all all-girls' boarding school with a moat full of alligators around it. Flynn Meaney
Great. Darcy is the ruler of our school. Prety soon, Julius is going to be like Singapore - you'll get a $500 fine for chewing gum or making out in the hallways. Flynn Meaney
I'm not copying you! " Luke said. "A werewolf is totally different than a vampire! You're creepy all the time. Mine is just, like, a monthly thing...."" Like PMS?" I suggested. "Shut up! Flynn Meaney
I could kiss that girl. And ya know what? I will kiss that girl. As soon as I get back to school, I'm gonna grab her, and I'm gonna kiss her. Flynn Meaney
So that's how we end up helping Aviva pick out a male escort. Even Darcy is impressed with Eugene's organization; each profile in the boy binder has two pictures, a head shot and a full-body shot, and lists essential information: age, school, height, weight, extracurriculars, hobbies, and dance ability (which ranges from "occasional Dance Dance Revolution participation" to "so good he could back up the Biebs"). Flynn Meaney
If you skip one class, everyone knows about it. The teacher will track you down, or one of the guidance counselors will track you down and ask if you're smoking pot. According to the geniuses running this place, the only reason you would skip class is if you're smoking pot, though I actually find my classes more enjoyable when I'm high. Flynn Meaney
In winter this town is freezing. You step out your door in the morning and the whole place looks like one of those nature specials in which a guy brings a camcorder to the North Pole and then the camera cuts out and you hear on the news that he got eaten by a bear Flynn Meaney
Let me give you some advice here: People who want to have the sex talk with you will act the same way as people who want to murder you. First they get you in their car, so they're in control and you can't escape. Then they drive you someplace in the middle of nowhere. Flynn Meaney
I've been asking around to find out what girls are into, " Eugene tells me, really pleased with himself. "So I'm gonna get a spray tan and make red-velvet cupcakes. Flynn Meaney
Is this base? Is this base? Flynn Meaney