5 Quotes & Sayings By Florynce Kennedy

The daughter of a black U.S. Army colonel, Florynce Kennedy was born in New Orleans and raised in Richmond, Virginia. She was educated in the city's segregated black schools and went on to receive an honors degree from Hampton Institute and a master's degree from the University of Chicago. Because her father was a military officer, Florynce Kennedy spent most of her childhood in military bases across the United States where she had the opportunity to learn about different cultures and societies.

I think we should look forward to death more than we do. Of course everybody hates to go to bed or miss anything but dying is really the only chance we'll get to rest. Florynce Kennedy
The biggest sin is sitting on your ass. Florynce Kennedy
If men could get pregnant abortion would be a sacrament. Florynce Kennedy
Don't agonize. Organize. Florynce Kennedy