3 Quotes & Sayings By Fernand Dumont

Fernand Dumont was born in Montreal, Quebec, to French Canadian parents. As a child he spent long hours alone, reading. At the age of nine, he began to write his first stories using his sisters' paper. However, he was not allowed to publish them Read more

He published his first books at the age of eighteen, and these were also not well received. The book that did not suit any one group was seized by the police and confiscated. He then began producing articles for magazines without being noticed by the public or the critics.

He published his first collection of short stories, Les Pieds dans le Plâtre (1925), which was an immediate success. It was translated into at least five languages and sold more than one million copies. His next four collections were equally successful.

His wife died in 1926; in 1927 he married again; in 1929 he divorced his second wife; in 1929-1930, he left Canada for Europe (he had grown tired of living in Montreal); and in 1932 he married again.

When a small night-lamp alone illuminated our love-making, it became a very small, circular room which silently passed through nights humming with stars. Fernand Dumont
...a woman not yet seen, but whose perfume accumulates on the horizon like a storm cloud. Fernand Dumont