5 Quotes & Sayings By Fatima Bhutto

Fatima Bhutto is a journalist, author of the book "The Forgotten Uprising" and the founder of the Women's Human Rights Commission in Pakistan.

My CountryI don't have any caps left made back home Nor any shoes that trod your roads I've worn out your last shirt quite long ago It was of Sile cloth Now you only remain in the whiteness of my hair Intact in my heart Now you only remain in the whiteness of my hair In the lines of my forehead My country- Nazim Hikmet Fatima Bhutto
But show me just this one thing, my darling, i seek a heart stained like a poppy flower. Fatima Bhutto
He said her name, repeatedly, so that she never lost the sound of his voice around it. So that every time someone called her name, she would be able to hear only Aman Erum. Fatima Bhutto
You will have to pay for your choices much more than you realize. Fatima Bhutto