3 Quotes & Sayings By Eve Zibart

Eve Zibart is a motivational speaker and author of the national bestseller, The Happiness Diet. She is also the founder of the nonprofit organization, The Happiness Project, which has helped thousands of people around the world change their life by adopting new habits. She believes that "happiness comes from within" and as such, others will be happier as a result of your happiness as well. She has been dubbed one of the "Top 100 Happiness Experts" by Forbes magazine and has appeared on many TV and radio shows for her thoughts on happiness and how to achieve it Read more

Her writing and speaking career spans more than two decades and she has been featured in newspapers and magazines around the world.

I believe in the power of imagination. I believe in the unexplained possibilities of the spirit. And I believe that the heart, like any other muscle, grows stiff if it is not exercised regularly. I believe. Eve Zibart
Most castles in the air are never built. But Walt Disney's was. Eve Zibart