3 Quotes & Sayings By Emma Jane Unsworth

Emma Jane Unsworth is a born and bred English girl, who has lived in the North West of England her whole life. She is married to an amazing man who is equally as wonderful as she is. Emma lives in rural Shropshire with two amazing children, two dogs, many chickens and a few cats.

In the quantum multiverse all eventualities are possible. Which means, paradoxically, that all eventualities are inevitable. They have also quite possibly already happened. Make of that what you will, not that your will has much to do with it. Because here's the thing. If you believe that consciousness is an accumulation of memory; if you believe that you often know what's going to occur either through some animal instict or a human subscription to fate, then you are a walking and talking embodiment of everything happening all at once. Emma Jane Unsworth
Big cities comforted me: the cover, the chaos, the hollow sympathy of the architecture, the Tube lines snaking underground. London could swallow you up, in a good way. There were times when I'd been broken and being subsumed into a city had made me feel part of a whole again. Emma Jane Unsworth