4 Quotes & Sayings By Emily Robison

Emily Robinson was born in Raleigh, North Carolina and attended Wake Forest University, where she graduated with a bachelor's degree in music. After graduating, she worked as a music teacher for several years before returning to school at Wake Forest to earn a master's degree in education. She now teaches piano and violin, and she loves writing about music.

I don't think I set out to have a career in female groups, but it's just kind of happened, and by nature of having worked with my sister - growing up with a sister who also plays, and being in communication with other female musicians. Emily Robison
It is amazing what people feel they have the right to tell you to your face when you're famous. Emily Robison
Some people still believe you should just fall in line with what's going on - and that's scary. It makes a mockery of freedom of speech. Emily Robison