10 Quotes & Sayings By Elmar Hussein

Elmar Hussein is one of Europe's most popular motivational speakers. He was born in Germany, but moved to the UK at the age of five. He spent most of his time living in London where he developed his interest in motivational speaking. His first major gig was being the opening act for Michael Jackson but he soon became a professional speaker and has since shared the stage with some of the biggest names in entertainment like Madonna, Stevie Wonder, Cher and Sting.

The paradox of education is that any man only educated...
The paradox of education is that any man only educated by others is an uneducated man without self-education you cannot be educated one in strict sense of this term. Elmar Hussein
Not all minds can hold science so easily. Most of what you can find inside various minds have no or weak connection with science; they are only values. If your mind takes any idea for guaranteed before its empirical investigation, or if you cannot criticize or make any assumption that your hypothesis related to it can be false, as well as true, it means you don’t do science, your mind rather shares some ideological, historical, religious or ethical values. No politics, ethics, history, religion, etc. is a science in strict sense of term. All of them engage in manipulation of brains in different ways. That is why any strong political, ethical, historical, religious bias would make your so-called ‘scientific mind’ weak. Although it is true that not all questions can be answered using scientific approaches, the formation of values inside your mind should substantially be up to you – your critical thinking and doubting intuition. Elmar Hussein
Never give anything so easily. Life is not a gift, life is a struggle. Make him dream of it and it will make him more and more happy while getting it. If anybody has already become accustomed to the happiness, it is not happiness yet. Elmar Hussein
Ä°f you identify yourself (your Self) with your feeling, perception, mental image of your body, consciousness (subjective awareness), in short, what is going inside your brain, it would mean that your self doesn’t exist, because it cannot control none of them. All of them are automatically controlled by your brain but not by your self. None of them are permanent, all are mutable. You cannot determine what to feel or how to perceive, your brain automatically does it for you, you cannot stop the change of your body image because of aging and you cannot control which part of information should be on conscious, which should be on unconscious level of your mind, considering that more than 90% of all information is hidden from your conscious mind and you are simply not aware what is going inside your brain. That is why it is said that you are merely a bio-social robot without any self being capable of taking control of anything in your life. Your self can control almost nothing. Elmar Hussein
The paradox of love is that its ultimate end is its opposite – hate. The paradox of hate is that its ultimate end is its opposite – love. Make deep hate inhabit any woman’s heart, and she can love one day. Make deep love inhabit any woman’s heart, and she can kill you one day. Elmar Hussein
Most men who very seldom say a moral thing, very seldom do a wrong thing. Their immorality is simply a pose, an image that serves to differentiate them from the ‘morally perfect masses’. And as opposite to it, most men who very frequently say a moral thing, very frequently do a wrong thing. Their morality is simply a mask in order to gain the respect of the masses. Elmar Hussein
If you want to win a game of life, there is only one way – you must be unpredictable. Otherwise life will never forgive such a deadly sin. Elmar Hussein
One of more cruel punishment methods, if not the most cruel one, to any woman is to completely keep her out of attention, to constantly disconnect her eye connection, or simply not to listen to her. It could automatically destroy her Ego so badly that she could even prefer, from the bottom of her heart, any severe physical punishment to that ‘mild’ punishment, which would mean to be killed by inches for female brain. Elmar Hussein
Ä°n ordinary life we don’t give it more attention, but our emotions, mind-set, expectations and the content in which our sensations occur all have a profound influence on perception. It is experimentally proven fact that people who are warned that they are about to taste something bad rate what they do taste more negatively than people who are told that the taste won’t be so bad. Similarly, people who see images of the same baby rate it as stronger and bigger when they are told it is a boy as opposed to when they are told it is a girl. Most of us don’t have so-called free will, as we suppose that we have. Our emotions, expectations and sensations are controlled by others through different forms of ideology – history, religion, political doctrine and so on. They determine where and how your mind should set in order to perceive what is going around you ‘correctly‘. After all that regulation your brain and mind get a chance to function ‘independently’. Your freedom is hidden there. Let me introduce you to the amazing experiment from psychology. In short, in one study 12 students are sent to test a research hypothesis concerning maze learning in rats. Although it was not initially revealed to students, indeed, the students themselves were the object of this experiment but not the rats they were going to examine. 6 of the students were randomly told that the rats they would be testing had been bred to be highly intelligent, whereas the other 6 students were led to believe that the rats had been bred to be unintelligent. However, in reality there were no differences among the rats given to the two groups of students. When the students returned with their data, the result was fascinating. The rats run by students who expected them to be intelligent showed significantly better maze learning than the rats run by students who expected them to be unintelligent. What had happened? All rats were only rats without any intelligence, but there was substantial difference among brains, that is, the ways how they had been manipulated. Somehow the brain manipulation influenced on the mind, despite of the fact that all of them followed, at least it seemed so, the same conditions of the experiment. Familiar situation, isn’t it? There is no apparent intention for subjective interpretation of input signals receiving by the brain, there is even no subjective awareness that your brain might be under any manipulation, whereas your brain and mind are subtly controlled and manipulated to a considerable extent by others through various form of ideologies and you automatically feel, perceive, think and act according to them, as do true bio-social robots. Elmar Hussein