3 Quotes & Sayings By Ellen Stimson

Ellen Stimson is the author of the bestselling books, How to Rescue a Perfectly Good Dog and "I Love You. I'm Not Sure Why." In 2007, she was named one of "Sarasota's 100 Most Influential Women" by the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Ellen has been featured on The Today Show, MSNBC's Scarborough Country, and Good Morning America as a speaker on issues affecting pets and people. She is also the host of Pets 101, an animal radio show syndicated throughout the US.

A sweet friend of my Hannah's said that Christmas only makes her sad. "It's just for happy families it makes everyone else miserable." But there is a secret truth about family. Eventually you get to pick a family for yourself m. And thanks to the sticky, sweet, funny, loud, rambunctious people I chose, Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Ellen Stimson
Darlin', " he drawled, "go when you are invited. Bring good boots, drive slow, take blankets, carry your own salt, but by all means... go where the light is. That's not bad advice, wherever you live. Darlin'. Ellen Stimson