3 Quotes & Sayings By Ellen Kenner

Ellen Kenner is an award-winning writer, editor, and publisher. She is the author of five collections of poetry, including The Book of Hours, which won the 2002 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Poetry. Her other books include A Fishy Guide to Cooking with Wine, A Year in the Country, The Cattle Caravan, and The Book of Hours. She also edited two volumes of The Best American Short Stories Read more

Ellen is the publisher of Vida Press, which publishes books on literature, art, photography, film, philosophy, biography, travel and more.

Romantic love is the most selfish of all emotions. Ellen Kenner
It is no accident that narcissists and altruists often have a magnetic attraction to one another. Can you see how perfect the fit is? The altruistic feels the need to selflessly serve others and this is just what the narcissist wants. Narcissists want to be worshipped and gratified in every way possible, and this is just what altruists offer, thinking it demonstrates their moral virtue. Ellen Kenner