8 Quotes & Sayings By Elle A Rose

Elle A. Rose is the author of the "first" book on the topic of financial independence for women, The Complete Guide to Financial Independence for Women. She has over ten years of experience working with high-net-worth women and couples. She is a certified financial planner with the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) and is also a member of the Million Dollar Roundtable Read more

Her passions are investing, passive income, and long-term planning.

Soul searching? Aren’t you a little young to even think aboutthat concept?”“ I don’t think a broken heart and shattered soul can be definedby age. However, it can be measured by the process it takes toheal. Elle A. Rose
Believe me, I’ve lived long enough to know that no matter how stable a life may seem, there’s always something that can change all of that in a blink of an eye. Elle A. Rose
As we pass the mirror in the bedroom, my attention is drawn to the lovely couple in the reflection. There is a man, tall with broad shoulders. His red hair cut short. He has nothing but a towel on. In his arms is a female, slender but muscular. Her wheat colored hair is pulled back in a neat bun on top of her head. Both of their skin is smooth and flawless, a little paler than most, but still complete perfection. You can tell by the way the man holds her, he cares a lot for her. You can also tell that he is afraid of holding her too tight, not wanting to crush her smaller frame into his body. Looking at this young pair in the mirror, one can only wonder of all the possibilities. What led them to this place? What is in store for them? Will there be a happy ending? . Elle A. Rose
My heart thrashes in time with my feet pounding across the cold, hard ground. I can’t run any faster, longer, and yet I must. My life and my family’s survival depends on it. Elle A. Rose
Did you just mentally pistol whip that guy, with his own gun? Nice, Amber. I would have just killed him. Elle A. Rose
Getting up from the bed, Dominick approaches me at a slow predatory pace. Once again, I cannot move my feet. Elle A. Rose
As the fireworks began to illuminate the sky above them, Blake and Veronica made love for the first time on Hideaway Hill. Elle A. Rose