5 Quotes & Sayings By Elizabeth Yates

Elizabeth Yates has been a freelance author and editor for over twenty-five years. Having worked as an editor for major publishing houses and as a public relations specialist at the United Nations, she continues to provide editorial and public relations services to assist authors and publishers with their projects. She is a writer, editor, and publisher whose eclectic interests include history, archeology, nature, and current events. She is also the author of the novel The Witch of Moriah Hill.

Always she thought of him as climbing some mountain in his mind, like that great one to the west on which his eyes would dwell so often and from which he seemed to derive something that was even more than strength. Elizabeth Yates
Benj had once said, "A man must have a care to what he puts in his mind, for when he's alone on a hillside and draws it out he'll want treasures to be his company, not regrets. Elizabeth Yates
He said little about his dream but he nourished it in his heart as the best place for a dream to grow. Elizabeth Yates
..for Africa was in a way none of them could explain linked up with heaven and they thought of the two places with the same reverence and ultimate longing. Elizabeth Yates